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Welcome to Richmond Township  

Richmond Township is a Township located in Berks County, PA. with a population of approximately 4,000.  It covers approximately 24 square miles in the eastern portion of the county.  It is drained by the Maiden Creek into the Schuylkill River and its southern boundary is on South Mountain. Villages in Richmond Township are Kempville, Kirbyville, Moselem, Moselem Springs, Virginville and Walnuttown, which are serviced by US 222, Rte 662 and Rte 143 as well as other roads of note- namely, Crystal Cave Road, Fleetwood-Lyons Road and Park Road. ​ Our logo, designed by John Watkins of Watkins Architect Ltd., depicts several aspects of Richmond's history.  An outline of the Township is flanked by a grist stone, paying homage to the prevelance of the local milling industry.  The logo also features a tractor in a field and a line of green trees.  Those details celebrate Richmond Township's agriculture roots.

Richmond Twp. Logo.jpg

Contact Us

Municipal Building:

11 Kehl Drive, Fleetwood, PA 19522

Jen Galomb Manager/Secretary-Treasurer

Phone:  610-944-0348


Robby Rarick Roadmaster

Garage Phone: 610-944-9177

Visit us on Facebook

Office Hours

Monday: 8:30AM- 3:30PM

Tuesday: 8:30AM-3:30PM

Wednesday- Closed

Thursday: 8:30AM- 3:30PM

Friday: 8:30AM- 12:00PM

Closed Saturday and Sunday

*The office closes for lunch*

Police Services and Fire Companies

The Fleetwood Police Department patrols Richmond Township, as well as Fleetwood Borough.  The Police Department office is located in the Community Center at 110 W. Arch Sreet in Fleetwood.  Phone: 610-944-7011 For Emergencies: Dial 911

Fire Companies servicing Richmond Township

Virginville and Walnuttown.

Walnuttown FC- New Tanker.jpg
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